Hey There, My Name is Callan WAll

Welcome! If you’ve stumbled upon my website, chances are you’re struggling to figure out what the heck to eat. Given all the conflicting nutrition information out there to digest (pun intended), it makes sense that you may be a little confused or overwhelmed. I can relate to this feeling, because I have struggled with trying to make sense of incorporating nutrition concepts into my life, constantly feeling like I was supposed to be avoiding certain foods, weighing myself in order to stay “on track”, measuring everything, and spending so much of my time & energy thinking about food that I barely had time for other interests.

I'm the founder of Tula Wellness

“Okay, I’m going to be really good this week. I’m not going to eat any sweets at all & I’m only eating salads for lunch” (only to find yourself ¾ way through a pint of Ben & Jerry’s halfway through the week).

After transforming my own relationship with food & digging into the research on why dieting/restricting does not work long-term, I now help others find the same freedom. Using evidence-based nutrition information mixed with realistic & practical recommendations, I strive to provide an inviting, compassionate, and non-judgmental space for you to explore finding balance in your nutrition, movement, and self-care habits. Through our work together, you will learn strategies to set yourself free from unhealthy patterns that keep you stuck.

Does This Sound Familiar?

I received my undergraduate degree in Nutrition & Dietetics from East Carolina University and completed my 1200-hour supervised dietetic internship through the coordinated Masters Program at North Carolina Central University with a focus in Nutrition Science in 2015. Since then, I have worked as a dietitian in private practice, cardiac rehabilitation, cancer wellness, and lifestyle medicine programs through New Hanover Regional Medical Center. I currently live in Wilmington, NC, where I enjoy spending time at the beach with my husband and son & exploring new restaurants.

As a non-diet registered dietitian & a passionate advocate for Health At Every Size ®, I value focusing on health behaviors, instead of the scale, as a means to improving health. I whole-heartedly believe (& have seen through working with clients) that we can pursue health and wellbeing without restrictions. If I haven’t been clear, I believe diets are a bunch of bologna & keep us stuck in the restrict/binge/guilt-shame cycle. I will never suggest that you focus on weight loss as a means to be healthy, & will always focus on what we can add to your life to enhance your wellbeing (both mental and physical) instead of what we can take away. Although I do not prescribe weight loss diets, I do address weight concerns & provide insight on supporting a healthy metabolism.

I help clients get back in touch with their own internal bodily cues vs stressing over external diet culture rules through mindfulness & intuitive eating

My simple approach to nutrition will help you find balance and peace around food so that you can get back to the things that matter most to you in life. 

Schedule a session

Areas of specialty


High Cholesterol

Type 2 Diabetes

Chronic Dieting & Weight Yo-Yoing

Body Image Concerns

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Disordered Eating & Eating Disorders (if appropriate level of care)

Plant Based Eating

Counseling modalities

Motivational Interviewing

Intuitive Eating


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Please feel welcome to reach out with any questions about my process. I am happy to meet with you via phone or video chat to see if my services would be a good fit for you, answer any questions you have, and, if needed, help you find a provider who can meet your needs.

If you've never heard of Intuitive Eating or Health At Every Size (HAES)...

I invite you to visit the links below to learn more about what has shaped the philosophy of my private practice:

Learn More About Intuitive Eating

Learn More About Health at Every Size

Thank you for visiting my site! 

Gracilyn E.

“Callan is the best nutritionist I’ve ever had! She makes sure that I am comfortable with whatever choices she recommends and she has helped me so much with meal planning and changing my thought process on eating habits and self image! It’s like talking to a good friend when I meet with her.”

M. M.

"I want to thank you again for all of the care and assistance you have provided for me. I am doing so much better and really thriving with adding more plants to my diet, frequent eating, and adding bulk and nutritious foods to my meals! The insight and advice you shared has really been invaluable for me, so thank you for your expertise, patience, and abundance of resources!"

Val A.

“Callan provided me with the knowledge and tools to help me get back on the track of mindful eating. Her solid educational and work background shaped our sessions, but I felt no shame or guilt thanks to her warm personality. Most of all, I thank her for her patience, and recommend her for making my individual needs the focus of our work together. I look forward to continuing our work together, knowing she's in my corner whenever I need help."

I. H. 

"Somehow, even being new and highly imperfect with this process, my body has started really changing in ways that help me feel more comfortable in my skin. My clothes are fitting comfortably again, and I even went clothes shopping to allow myself more to play with. I just feel a lighter energy around food and my appearance all together. Thank you so much for helping me with this! It's been very eye opening and liberating. "

Client Praise

We're All Just Walking Each Other Home.

Ram Dass